
Published on 8 April 2016 at 12:24
I am 22 years old, born and raised in Gallup, New Mexico, USA. I still currently reside here. I have been singing since I was 8, I did a talent show in Grade 5 and realized that's what I wanted to do for the rest of my life! I started singing publicly since I was 15. I used to duet with a really talented and good friend of mine, Brittany Eustace, for restaurants, pubs, sporting events, mainly anywhere in Gallup that required singing entertainment, we were there. I had joined numerous competitions with no luck, that really put me in a place where I didnt feel so confident in my ability. Then after my father died in 2013, I kind of strayed away from singing since he was my biggest influence and supporter. But at the end of 2015, I uploaded one cover video on a whim to Instagram which received a great response from not only friends and family, but from users I didnt even know. I kept with it, just because I felt good singing for the public again. Then as I grew from 300 followers to the 1100 I am at now, I feel blessed to have so many people enjoy what I love to do. Those followers are the reason why I am still singing. I will always push to the next level if there is just one person who I can make feel good with my singing. Even if this is the biggest I will every get in the music industry, I feel accomplished.