Published on 9 May 2016 at 09:36



T H E L A S T (Indie Rock band) THE LAST is a band founded in 2009 in the city of Toluca by Jaime Jesus Caballero Padilla from Toluca, State of Mexico (guitarist and vocalist) and Victor Antonio Lira Aguilar (bass and vocals) from Pachuca Hidalgo, later Madian Rodriguera Prado (guitarist and vocalist) from Toluca, State of Mexico and Manuel Buenrostro Valencia (drummer and vocalist) Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, joined the band and this is the current lineup THE LAST.

The composition is written by the members and they produce themselves as well, the recording of their first  EP "LIVE IN LOVE" was performed in Landó and Reacktor studios. There have been several individual presentations and as a band in forums, broadcasters, bars and cultural presentations here we mention some of the highlights: • The Cavern Club (Jaime Caballero), Mathew Street 10 Liverpool England. • Rock League 2015, landó forum (4th place). • mexiquense Cultural Center (third place at the state level in the young pace contest 2015). • Radio mexiquense rock fusion (interview with Ruth Milca). • UNIRADIO (interview with Alonso Guzmán). • Radio with more (contextus Mexico with Jacqueline Leon) • Radio Cadena policy (interview with Arly García) • bicentennial Texcoco Auditorium (in coordination with Gruya Productions). • Explanade of Sports Palace (in collaboration with the State Government youth project in Mexico). • Square Gonzales Arratia (presentation in a cultural event in collaboration with art and culture of the city of Toluca.) • Toluca central park (presentation in a cultural event in cooperation with the city of toluca). • San Marcos Fair Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes (within the framework of the cultural events of the book fair). • Doberman Bar in Mexico City ( band meeting)