
Published on 29 April 2017 at 10:10


"what strikes me immediately is his raw but high and very unique vocal sound"



Chris Taylor has been songwriting for many years, both alone and in collaboration with other musicians and friends. It is as a soloist (guitar and vocals) that he currently gigs most of the time but he also has a band to add that extra color as and when required. Having been a professional musician in his 20’s, in 2011 Chris had the opportunity to once again play professionally. Chris is able to give more time to his real passion for writing and performing his own songs. His EP 'Chasing rainbows' was released at the beginning of last year and was awarded the Akademia Music Award for Best Pop Rock EP in February 2016. ‘Meet me on the horizon’ won the Akademia Music Award for best Pop/Folk song in May 2016. ‘How beautiful you are’ won the Akademia Music Award for best Folk/Pop song in August 2016. These two tracks feature on his latest EP. The new EP, ‘Meet me on the horizon’ was released on 31 March and features his latest single ‘How Beautiful you are’. This has already been aired on a number of stations including BBC Introducing.


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