
Published on 15 June 2017 at 07:02
"Her voice is so incredibly good for her age and deep"
This is Kellie-ann Poirier from ( Canada) now Dubai, Her reason of making music ¨Music is my inspiration¨. Born in 2003 Canadian living in Dubai. Singer/Songwriter, I'm Kellie-Anne Poirier, 14 years old, Canadian living in Dubai for 8 years and moving to NYC in 3 weeks! I started to sing and play the guitar 6 years ago and I am now writing my own songs with the aim to inspire the young current generations and the ones to come. I was a participant at the Voice Kids Montreal, Canada last summer My first single is called Waves and I describe the wonderful feeling the ocean provides us as well as how humans have destroyed it. The next songs to be produced will talk about the people that motivate me to keep going as well as how it's important to remain yourself in a world where social media dictate who we are.