
Published on 24 August 2017 at 06:55


 "It is so beautiful you literally you just want to stop writing and listen to her to her amazing vocals and instrument work"


This versatile artist is Cherie rain, she has just released her debut single . Her music video you can listen inside the chat forum, it is posted by her artist management Yuji Watanabe and his website is

Cherie (meaning “beloved,” the same as Karine) prides herself with a passion for playing anything from metal to funk to hip hop. “I immerse myself in anything where I find true passion and the freedom to create.” The artist who is most often compared to Portishead, Tori Amos, and Fiona Apple, began playing the piano at age 6. By 12 years old, the gifted musician was teaching other students, some of whom were many years her senior. She honed her songwriting skills throughout high school and began arranging music for other performers.

After meeting her husband Chris, famed rapper Mr. Hyde (Psycho+Logical- Records), on the music scene in NYC, she not only found love and a collaborator in music but a support system to help her journey into sobriety. They married in 2009 and are currently working on an EP to be released later this year as musical duo Bonnie & Hyde.

“It was the rainstorms in my life that promoted my growth and depth of character, allowing me to cherish my hardships for the lessons it taught me and the person it made me.“ It’s no coincidence that these “rainstorms” inspired her stage name. Cherie is also the keyboardist for a hip-hop/funk/soul fusion trio, White Ebony, with fellow musicians Kareem Denis and Vic Orena. She is not fulfilled unless her plate is
filled with projects that speak to the various ways she chooses to express herself. With two EPs on the horizon and a growing community who see their reflection in Cherie Rain’s expression of her own pain and triumphs, you can rest assured this the storm isn’t slowing down anytime soon.

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