
Published on 4 September 2017 at 09:59





"What I love about the vocal of this singer is, it is very mature and he has a hoarseness while singing and can sing very pure"


Rain on Monday combines the brightness of 80’s pop sensibilities with the melancholy darkness of long Sweden winters to create unique & powerful songs that evoke an immediate emotional response. This carefully orchestrated juxtaposition of light & dark creates a lush & expressive soundscape that elevates Rain on Monday above the myriad of artists writing songs today.


Raimond Nurmilampi began writing the songs that would embody Rain on Monday in his hometown of Kiruna, a small Swedish mining town above the arctic circle. After Raimond moved to Uppsala and connected with the producer Thomas Harsem (Still Parade, Intergalactic Lovers, Neele Ternes) who had relocated from Germany. Harsem added his shimmering touch to the collaboration & in April 2017 they released the debut single, “Kill My Love”. Their combined songwriting abilities hasn’t gone unnoticed. Music blog Where The Music Meets called “Kill My Love”, “…one of those debuts that stuck in our heads and creates a whole lot of expectations for the ones to follow”.


The expectations are met & surpassed with Rain on Monday’s second single “Hiding Places”. The raw sincerity of Raimond’s vocals & his emotive delivery counterbalances the upbeat synth progressions perfectly in Thomas Harsem’s attentive production. The result is an effective & infectious dance song for dreamers. -Bruce Wilson


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